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To create opportunities for low-income, under-served, at-risk youth 12 to 18 years of age to build positive character and values by providing evidence-based prosocial and life skills training and exposing them to educational, cultural, and historical places through national and international travel.


To sustain opportunities to enrich the lives of youth and help them realize their dreams.


"It takes a Village to Raise a Child"


This is an old African proverb that embodies community support, caring, teaching and providing safety for the wellbeing of children. It is an adage that is as relevant today as it was in the villages on the African continent and the plantations during our forced labor experience (slavery) in America and throughout the world.


This proverb will guide us in all that we do:


Our goal and efforts will create coalitions in all segments of the community: Governmental, Social and Economic.


We will endeavor to partner with social and economic organizations in the community. As a result, we will help the youths consider and reduce the negative impact of a condition or problem.


It is our intention and strategy that by using the basic logic model we may be able to assist our youth to make better decisions.


· The adage denotes that everyone's survival is dependent on the cooperation of the whole community working together, sharing resources, and the

wisdom of elders to the young. The community must work together to ensure a wholesome, safe and positive environment for youth.


· The impact that the village philosophy has on the community is of vital importance in helping youth realize good citizenship and empathy; to achieve these goals the community must work together and provide adequate schools and activities to reinforce positive behavior.


· Being proactive is better than being reactive for everyone; thus, fostering pride in the community and reinforcing core values is the idea behind "It takes a village to raise a child".


· We will endeavor to teach the youth how to think like entrepreneurs through interaction with entrepreneurs in the community and elsewhere.

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