The members of our board have extensive work and volunteer histories working directly with youth and the community in the area of crime prevention, mental health, pro-social skills training, and collaboration with federal, state, and local agencies that provide specific resources dedicated to holistically helping youth and their families. Combined we have over 10 decades of experience living, working and serving this community.
Hasan Malik
A. Hasan Malik retired from the Department of Juvenile Justice in 2006. Mr. Malik’s history of helping and working with people goes back to the 1960s in Pompano Beach Florida (Broward County) when in 1965 he started a program called Teenager’s Point of View (TPV) where he lived in the Farm Labor camp which is now called Golden Aches.
Mr. Malik started his career with the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) in 1976 at the Broward Juvenile Detention Center as a Detention Supervisor.
In 1980 Mr. Malik went from working with juveniles and started working with the Florida Department of Corrections as a Correctional Counselor at a Work Release Center in Pompano Beach, Florida while at the Work Release Center Mr. Malik held several positions and responsibilities as a Lieutenant supervising correctional officers, vocational placement counselor, trust funds custodian, food service director, program coordinator, volunteer and community outreach director.
In 1986 Mr. Malik transferred with the Florida Department of Corrections to Daytona Beach, Florida and worked at Tomoka Correctional Institution and in 1987 transferred with the Department of Corrections to Jacksonville, Florida to the Probation and Restitution Center and worked as vocational placement counselor, trust funds custodian, and volunteer coordinator.
In 1990 Mr. Malik transferred back to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services in Jacksonville, Florida to the Duval S.T.A.R.T. Center which was a residential program for young men 12-17 years of age. Later in 1990 the State disbanded HRS and programs that had previously been a part of HRS became their separate agencies/entities and the Department of Juvenile Justice was created.
In 2002 Mr. Malik transferred with the Department of Juvenile Justice as superintendent of Price Halfway House which was a residential program for young men 14-18 years of age in Fort Myers, Florida.
Mr. Malik retired in 2006 from the State of Florida but continue to serve youth, adults, and the community through volunteerism, mentorship, counseling, and training whenever he’s called upon by organizations that would like to benefit from his expertise and talents.
Mr. Malik have the following degrees and certifications:
(1) Theology Degree from Cedine Bible Institute
(2) Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice Management and Security
(3) Facility Training Officer
(4) Certified Train the Trainer in Instructor Techniques
Dorothy L. Malik
Executive Director
I (Dorothy Malik) started my career of working with youth at the St. Lucie County School Board; I was assigned to the St. Lucie School as a Teacher’s Aide for the Severely Emotionally Handicapped in 1984. I worked directly with youth by implementing plans that were prepared by the teacher. I assisted in the
developmental, remedial and enrichment activities for the youth i.e., photography which include developing the film and making ceramic pottery.
I started my career with the Department of Juvenile Justice (formerly known as HRS) in 1986 working at the St. Lucie Regional Juvenile Detention Center as a Community Youth Leader. This involved the supervision of youths 10-18 years of age that were placed on Home Detention and Electronic Monitoring. I not only provided supervision of youth in the community, I mentored them to help guide them in the direction of becoming a law abiding citizen. I transported and referred youths to specialized treatment services in the community while providing emotional support to the parents to help resolve adjustment problems. I also worked with youths that were held in secure detention. This involved maintaining care, custody and control of detained youth. I facilitated life skills groups and individual counseling sessions to help turn around the lives of these youths.
In 2000 I became a Juvenile Probation Officer. This involved supervising youth placed on probation by the court for a delinquent act. This involved making face to face contact with the youth and parent on a weekly basis. I also performed needs and risk assessment to make the proper recommendation to the state attorney’s office concerning judicial or non-judicial alternatives.
I worked directly with youth until 2013 when I became the Assistant Chief Probation Officer. In this position I oversaw the supervision of youth in Circuit 19 which included St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River and Okeechobee Counties. I served on various committees within the circuit that ensured youth receive the best chance of success as possible. This includes hosting the annual events like a Back-to-School Bash for seven years. I retired from the Department of Juvenile Justice in 2020 after serving youths and families for 35 years. During these years I also held the following administrative positions: Assistant Superintendent at St. Lucie Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Operations Management Consultant/Training Coordinator at Desoto Juvenile Justice Complex, Assistant Superintendent at Broward Halfway House, Detention Care Worker Supervisor, and Community Youth Leader Supervisor and Juvenile Probation Officer Supervisor.
In 2013 community leaders held a town hall meeting to address violence in the Ft. Pierce community. From that meeting a committee called Village Coalition of Youth Activities (VCOYA) was formed. VCOYA made a pledge to meet and discuss with other organizations on how they could better serve the youth and parents of the Ft. Pierce area, as well as collaborate with other youth programs to have and provide a stronger and united front to reduce youth related crimes in Ft. Pierce. I served as the Vice Chair of the committee until 2015 when I became Chair. In July 2020 Village Coalition of Youth Activities was incorporated and in June 2021 VCOYA became a 501©3 non-profit organization. Our goal and efforts will create coalitions in all segments of the community: Governmental, Social and Economic. We are called to help turn around the lives of youth through new and challenging experiences designed to educate, inspire and enrich them.
Derine Michael (Mike) Davis
Vice President
Circuit Administrator of Community Corrections for the Florida Department of Corrections.
Derine (Mike) Davis was appointed Community Corrections Circuit Administrator for the 19th Judicial Circuit on May 5th, 2016. The 19th Judicial Circuit covers the four county areas of St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River and Okeechobee counties with five
thousand probationers on active supervision.
CA Davis began his career with FDC in 1988 and has held a variety of positions in his 33-year career. In his current role, he is responsible for the overall operation of community corrections in the 19th Judicial Circuit CA Davis is a U.S Army veteran and served in the first gulf war—Desert storm. He graduated from Florida State University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.
Renee Ingram
Renee Ingram is currently working with the Department of Corrections as an Administrative Assistant and is currently working on getting her degree.
James H. Smith, IV
Currently employed by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department. Has previously worked with the Department of Juvenile Justice as a Juvenile Justice Detention Officer before moving to the Okeechobee adult prison. He has a BS degree in Digital Media.
Jakarryae Morris
Board Member
Currently attending IRSC and employed at Golden Eagle Learning Child Development Center
Deborah McCray
Board Member
I am a resident of Saint Lucie County born and raised in Palm Beach County. I graduated from Suncoast High school, and continued my education at Northwood University receiving a Bachelors of Business Administration and Masters of Public Administration from Nova Southeastern University.
I have been employed with Palm Beach County Communicable Disease Programs: HIV/STD Prevention Care. During employment I acquired my Disease Intervention Specialists certification. The skills, compassion and dedication allowed me to gain employment with prominent agencies such as Comprehensive AIDS Program aka FoundCare, Inc. Saint Lucie County Health Department and Martin County Health Department.
I am currently employed with Project Response, Inc as an HIV Education & Testing Specialist. I took pleasure in raising four children (3 girls/1 boy) and I’m overjoyed with having four grandchildren (2 boys/2 girls). MY strength is helping others and teamwork.